On The Town

Due to the fact my television broke when I moved into my student house i spent a lot of my time watching television over the Christmas holidays (for homework of course) and one day a movie called ‘On The Town’ came on and I felt like an old movie, starring the infamous Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Ann Miller, Betty Garrett, Jules Munshin and Vera-Ellen and features Alice Pearce; A 1949 musical, bursting with song, intricate dancing and superb acting. It’s when I watch films like this I feel like we’re being cheated out on cinema prices with the limited talents the stars of today really have. Your favourite film might be Scarface or Romeo and Juliet but when you compare it to the talents of the first film-stars it just does not compare! No one does their own stunts anymore, have body doubles for sex scenes and their covered with fake hair, teeth and tits! You even have people like Paris Hilton in films! What is going on with the world I ask? Are there any celebrities that can actually act anymore? It really does grind my gears. You have all these top drama schools but when do you see all the things they learn when they’re actually doing their ‘job’? When did it start to become acceptable to just say ‘Naaa don’t dance, don’t sing, don’t really like doing all the dirty work but I’ll be in your movie for no less the a couple hundred thousand a week’!

I know it’s disgusting! Please if you have sometime check out the films; ‘Funny Faces’ with the stunning Audrey Hepburn, or ‘Madonna Of The Seven Moons’. PLEASE save the memories of the good actors. The real actors. Please.

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